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Lex VOR Action Export


An Export that consists of the information relative to the enquiries/vehicles that are off road.


Lex have an export that provides information related to vehicles that are off road. This export needs to be generated by ViSN to ensure continuity in terms of process.

File format

Comma Separated Values - *.csv


  • Action : The Follow up status recorded on VOR in ViSN is referred to as 'Action' by Lex


Column NameDescriptionData / FormatMax lengthMandatory
1VOR_REFERENCEEnquiry Number in ViSN524720Y
2VEHICLE_REGVRM in ViSN for the associated Enquiry NumberAS12DON10Y
3LATEST_ACTION_TYPElatest action recorded for VORParts Delay50Y
4ACTION_CREATED_ONDate and time of the action recorded for VORDD-MM-YYYY HH:MMY
  • date and time of the VOR Notes against a enquiry number recorded in VISN
  • location :

  • preview :

  • exception :when the vor notes is added in visn with no follow up status and only follow up date the action shall not be recorded for the export

5ACTION_DEADLINE_DATENext Follow up date and timeDD-MM-YYYY HH:MMN
  • Next follow up date chosen by user in VOR Note on VISN and current time is stored are stored in ACTION_DEADLINE_DATE
  • location :

  • preview :

6ACTION_COMPLETED_ONDate and time of Action CompletionDD-MM-YYYY HH:MMN
  • Next follow up date chosen by user in VOR Note on VISN and current time is stored are stored in ACTION_COMPLETED_ON for the previous action
  • date and time the Action (Last_Action_Type) is changed/Vehicle Completed by customer user
  • location :

  • preview :

  • exception :when the vor notes is added with vehicle completed as follow up status the ACTION_COMPLETED_ON is updated for current note instead of previous action

Data source

At the time of adding the vor note to the enquiry, a record consisting of export relative information is created at location


Setup Required

Database Configuration

This export is targeted for Lex lease companies alone, Hence storing these records for other companies is not required.

To prevent the records generated for non-Lex customers, A flag needs to be enabled in the lease company's export configuration to restrict the data export to Lex customers only

location: /leasecompany/[leaseId]/config/exportsConfig
attribute: vorActionExport
value: true

Generate Export

A Scheduler should be created cloud scheduler with the following parameters

  • Name : Lex-GenerateDailyVorActionExportCSV
  • Region : europe-west2
  • Frequency : 30 23 * * *
  • TimeZone : British Summer Time (BST)
  • Topic : projects/biddirect-2/topics/generateDailyVorActionExport
  • Message body : a JSON object including the following parameters
    • dateTimeStamp : in format yyyy-MMM-dd ex 2022-Sep-30 , when skipped it will default to current date
    • leaseId : id of the lease company that the export is desired to be generated for

Upload to SFTP

A Scheduler should be created cloud scheduler with the following parameters

  • Name : Lex-UploadDailyVorActionExportToSFTP
  • Region : europe-west2
  • Frequency : 45 23 * * *
  • TimeZone : British Summer Time (BST)
  • Topic : projects/biddirect-2/topics/uploadFileToSFTP
  • Message body : a JSON object including the following parameters
    • sftpHostAddress : public hosting address of the sftp server
    • username : username for password authentication (ssh key not supported)
    • password : passkey for password authentication
    • bucketName : name of the firebase cloud storage
    • sourceFolderName : location in the firebase cloud storage to pick the file to copy to SFTP from
    • sourceFileName : regular expression that match to filename to pick file(s)
    • destinationFolderName : location in the sftp server
    • emailId : email id to receive the status in case of successful upload
    • errorEmailId : email id to receive the status in case of failed upload
    • emailSubject : generic subject that caters to both successful and failed uploads
Status: Accepted
Category: Protected
Authored By: Rama on 30 Aug, 2024
30 Aug, 2024 - Update Post paybill Integration, VN-13977